Promotion codes

A Promotion Code is a code that customers can redeem for a coupon. Creation of multiple codes for a single coupon is available. You have the option to limit the code to a particular partner or customer, set a redemption limit, an expiration date and more.

Get a list of promotion codes

Returns a list of your promotion-codes.


Request parameters

limitintegernoA limit on the number of items to be returned. Limits can range between 1 and 250, and the default is 15.
pageintegernoThe default is 1.


A list with a data property that contains an array of up to limit promotion codes. Each entry in the array is a separate promotion code object. If no promotion codes available, the resulting array will be empty. This request should never return an error.

Create a promotion code

A promotion code points to a coupon (is attached to a coupon). You can optionally set a different types of restrictions for the promotion code listed in the table below.

You may create a promotion code via the API using the following example.


Request example

  "coupon_uuid": "8BNZGIR7",
  "code": "",
  "first_time_order": true,
  "limit_to_specific_partner": false,
  "coupon_specific_partners": {},
  "limit_to_specific_customer": false,
  "coupon_specific_customers": {},
  "minimum_order_status": true,
  "minimum_order_value": 22,
  "expiration_date_status": false,
  "expiration_date_value": null,
  "redemption_times_status": false,
  "redemption_times_value": null,
  "metadata": {}

Request parameters

coupon_uuidstringyesUuid of the coupon that promotion code will be attached.
codestringnoIdentifier of the promotion code in the API. We recommend leaving this blank so we can generate an unique code.
first_time_orderboolnoIf enabled, coupon will be valid only for first time order i.e. for customers who have never made a purchase.
limit_to_specific_partnerboolnoIf enabled, you'll have to set the specific partner that is eligible for discounts.
coupon_specific_partnersarrayyes if limit_to_specific_partnerRelevant partner that you would like to limit promotion code to. Partner should be defined as objects like {"id": x, "full_name": "Partner Name"}
limit_to_specific_customerboolnoIf enabled, you'll have to set the specific customer that is eligible for discounts.
coupon_specific_customersarrayyes if coupon_specific_customersRelevant customer that you would like to limit promotion code to. Customer should be defined as objects like {"id": x, "customer_full_name": "Partner Name"}
minimum_order_statusstringnoString value on/off. If enabled you'll have to define minimum order value.
minimum_order_valueintegeryes if minimum_order_valueA minimum amount that is eligible for using a promotion code.
expiration_date_statusstringnoString value on/off. If enabled you'll have to define the date when promotion code can be redeemed.
expiration_date_valuedateyes if expiration_date_valueLimit the date when customers can redeem the promotion code.
redemption_times_statusstringnoString value on/off. If enabled you'll have to define the total number of how many times promotion code can be redeemed.
redemption_times_valueintegeryes if redemption_times_statusLimit the total number of times the promotion code can be redeemed.
metadataobjectnoObject of Key value pairs.


Returns the created promotion code object.

Response example:

  "data": {
    "code": "SCQJMCY0",
    "first_time_order": true,
    "limit_to_specific_partner": false,
    "coupon_specific_partners": {},
    "limit_to_specific_customer": false,
    "coupon_specific_customers": {},
    "minimum_order_status": true,
    "minimum_order_value": 22,
    "expiration_date_status": false,
    "expiration_date_value": null,
    "redemption_times_status": false,
    "redemption_times_value": null,
    "metadata": {}
  "status": 1,
  "message": "Promotion code created in the app successfully.",
  "synchronization_enabled": false,
  "synchronization_successful": false,
  "synchronization_message": ""

Fetch a promotion code

Get the details about specific promotion code. You need to provide a promotion code code property.


Request example



Returns a coupon if a valid uuid_code was provided. Otherwise, returns an error.

Response example:

  "data": {
    "code": "SCQJMCY0",
    "first_time_order": true,
    "limit_to_specific_partner": false,
    "coupon_specific_partners": {},
    "limit_to_specific_customer": false,
    "coupon_specific_customers": {},
    "minimum_order_status": true,
    "minimum_order_value": 22,
    "expiration_date_status": false,
    "expiration_date_value": null,
    "redemption_times_status": false,
    "redemption_times_value": null,
    "metadata": {},
    "coupon": {
      "name": "PARTNERO122",
      "uuid_code": "duD88hFD",
      "active": null,
      "coupon_discount_type": "percent",
      "coupon_discount_amount": 20,
      "coupon_duration_type": "months",
      "coupon_duration_value": 11,
      "redemption_specific_date_status": false,
      "redemption_specific_date_value": null,
      "redemption_times_status": true,
      "redemption_times_value": 18,
      "metadata": {
        "foo": "bar"
      "created_at": "2024-11-25T14:38:51.000000Z",
      "updated_at": "2024-11-25T14:41:09.000000Z",
      "deleted_at": null
  "status": 1

Update a promotion code

Update an existing promotion code.


Request example

  "code": "SCQJMCY0",
  "limit_to_specific_partner": false,
  "coupon_specific_partners": {},
  "metadata": {}

Request parameters

codestringnoCode of promotion code that's being updated.
limit_to_specific_partnerboolnoIf enabled, you'll have to set the specific partner that is eligible for discounts.
coupon_specific_partnersarrayyes if limit_to_specific_partnerRelevant partner that you would like to limit promotion code to. Partner should be defined as objects like {"id": x, "full_name": "Partner Name"}
metadataobjectnoObject of Key value pairs.


Updated promotion code if request succeed.

Response example:

  "data": {
    "code": "SCQJMCY0",
    "first_time_order": true,
    "limit_to_specific_partner": false,
    "coupon_specific_partners": [],
    "limit_to_specific_customer": false,
    "coupon_specific_customers": [],
    "minimum_order_status": true,
    "minimum_order_value": 22,
    "expiration_date_status": false,
    "expiration_date_value": null,
    "redemption_times_status": false,
    "redemption_times_value": null,
    "metadata": {}
  "status": 1,
  "message": "Promotion code updated in the app successfully.",
  "synchronization_enabled": false,
  "synchronization_successful": false,
  "synchronization_message": ""

Delete a promotion code

Delete an existing promotion code.


Request example

    "code": "8BNZGIR7",
    "coupon": {
        "uuid_code": "QUGMOC0C"


Status 1 upon success. Otherwise, this call returns a status 0 with "Promotion code not found" or "Coupon and promotion code are synced with provider. Please delete promotion code from provider if possible.".

Response example:

  "data": {
    "status": 1,
    "message": "Promotion code deleted in the app successfully"